fprintf(MESSAGEFILE, "NUMBERS occur in %d%% of %d words contributed by %s\n", (numeric_icount * 100)/(icount - save_icount), icount - save_icount, name_list[i]);
AddedMixedWordsMessage = ON;
if (StructuredIndex) region_destroy();
my_free(bx, BLOCK_SIZE);
for(pn=1; pn < part_num; pn++) /* partition # 0 is not accessed */
if (pn == '\n') continue; /* There cannot be a partition # '\n' or 0: see partition.c */
for(i=p_table[pn]; i<p_table[pn+1]; i++) {
unlinkname = NULL;
if (disable_list[block2index(i)] & mask_int[i%(8*sizeof(int))]) continue;
if (BuildDictionaryExisting) {
if (((fd = fopen(name_list[i], "r")) == NULL) ) {
fprintf(stderr, "permission denied or non-existent file: %s\n", name_list[i]);
remove_filename(i, -1);
if (!CompressAfterBuild) unlinkname = name_list[i]; /* not needed anymore */
goto index_file2;
if ((ret = tuncompress_file(name_list[i], outname, TC_EASYSEARCH | TC_OVERWRITE | TC_NOPROMPT)) > 0) { /* do not remove old .TZ file */
if (((fd = fopen(outname, "r")) == NULL) ) {
remove_filename(i, -1);
/* not handling structured indices for compressed files now since offset computations will be incorrect */
if (BuildDictionary && CompressAfterBuild) strcpy(name_list[i], outname); /* name of clear file will be smaller, so enough space */
fprintf(MESSAGEFILE, "NUMBERS occur in %d%% of %d words contributed by %s\n", (numeric_icount * 100)/(icount - save_icount), icount - save_icount, name_list[i]);